Thursday, May 08, 2008

Vegas and Grand Canyon wohoo !!!

Every year for may long weekend my wife and I make sure we make a big trip. Slowly this is becoming a family tradition! So this year it will be Grand Canyon one of the natural wonders of the world. We will be flying to Vegas (Yes,Vegas on Friday night !! ) and then driving to GC in a car it will be total of 1000 miles of driving spread over three days. And adding to the excitement I got my Nikon D60 DSLR with two lenses ( 18-55 VR and 55-200VR) and my wife says that I was smiling the whole time till I slept yesterday. Nope !! I don't have any experience with SLRs and I will be banking mostly on Auto and experimenting on the other features of DSLR. I am supposed to get my SLR bag today in mail ( Last minute shopping). The weather is supposed to be perfect and we are hoping that we have everything planned :).